March 27- March 31

SO CLOSE TO SPRING BREAK! Week at a Glance: Monday: Students spent the class period finishing up their Shark Tank presentations from last Friday (BTW, these were AWESOME!).  After, students reviewed the 4 types of conflict we learned in the very beginning of the school year by viewing movie clips and having discussions about theContinue reading “March 27- March 31”

March 20-March 24

Week at a Glance: Monday- Students refreshed their memory on pronouns by taking short notes, watching a Flocabulary (one of my favorite ones!), and practicing with a partner. Tuesday- Students finished their pronoun review and were given time to work on their Shark Tank mini-presentations. Wednesday- Library to work on Shark Tank mini-presentations. Thursday/Friday- Begin presenting Shark Tank ideas.Continue reading “March 20-March 24”